Leadership Lowndes Youth Application
Participants in the Leadership Lowndes Youth program will be current residents of Lowndes County and members of the Sophomore or Junior Classes in the Fall of 2025.
The objectives of the Leadership Lowndes Youth program include:
- Assist students in developing a sense of community and awareness of community issues
- Assist students in developing leadership skills
- Provide an opportunity for students to network with other students and community leaders
- Motivate students to become involved in service projects designed to address community needs and opportunities
Participants in Leadership Lowndes Youth are selected based on their recognized and potential leadership, and the merit of their application. The Selection Committee values diversity and aspires to select a class that accurately represents the community.
Students who are selected as participants in Leadership Lowndes Youth are REQUIRED to attend the retreat and Program Days. Participants will be exposed to various aspects of Lowndes County and hear from leaders in our community. Students will benefit from full participation in discussions, activities, and community service projects.
At the end of the program, participants will have a broader knowledge of Valdosta and Lowndes County. They will develop leadership skills and have a new network of relationships with students that have diverse backgrounds.
It is mandatory that each student attend ALL EVENTS in order to receive credit for the program and graduate.
If an emergency arises (i.e. illness or death in the family), a written explanation must be submitted to the Leadership Lowndes Youth Vice President. The VP will determine if the absence is excused.
NO ABSENCES, LATE ARRIVALS, OR EARLY DEPARTURES are accepted for the retreat weekend, August 23-24, 2025.
- Welcome Reception on Tuesday, August 12, 2025
- Retreat on Saturday and Sunday, August 23-24, 2025: Approximate Time will be from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Program days: Approximate Time will be from 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
o Tuesday, September 16, 2025
o Tuesday, October 7, 2025
o Tuesday, November 18, 2025
- Active participation in a community service project selected by LLY
- Attend 1 City Council OR 1 County Commission meeting between August and November 2025
- Graduation on v, December 2, 2025
For any questions regarding the LLY Application process, please contact us at youth@leadershiplowndes.com.