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I’ve Been Nominated… Now What?

By September 17, 2021 No Comments

Being nominated for Leadership Lowndes is a compliment to your character and current leadership abilities.  However, that’s just the first step in the process to becoming a class member.  Once nominations close, the Vice President of Recruitment emails applications to all nominees.  Each nominee must fill out the application in its entirety and turn it in before the given deadline to be considered for the class.  This year the deadline is September 20th, 2021.  Please be thorough in your application, as only 30 people are chosen for the class each year.

Because 2020 was a re-boot year, Leadership Lowndes sent applications to all nominees from September, 2019 through September 4th, 2021.  Any nominations received after September 4th, 2021 will be considered for the class of 2023.   Nominations for Leadership Lowndes happen year round.  Please consider nominating an existing or emerging leader today!